The officers of the Hartsville Police Department worked hard again this year during the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer campaign to keep the streets of Hartsville safe for our citizens and visitors.  We continue to use aggressive criminal enforcement of impaired drivers and of others who decide to drive or operate a vehicle in a way that endangers the life and safety of themselves and others.  Our DUI Officer and Traffic Safety Officer will continue to work alongside all HPD officers to make certain everyone goes home safely.

It is a privilege to drive, but it is also your responsibility to do so as safely as possible.  Slow down and take your time getting to your destination.  Many drivers say that they speed because they are running late for an important meeting or that they had to get their kids to school on time.  Driving aggressively is not safe; not only could you receive a hefty fine, you could also cause an accident.  Even worse is that you or someone else could be killed as a result.  You should always wear your seatbelt and make sure passengers are belted in safely before leaving.  If you have plans to drink or if you are taking medication that could impair your ability to drive, please have someone drive for you.  Don’t text and drive.  If you have to make a call or check a message, please pull over and do so safely.

We also want to remind you that the holiday season is approaching and there are higher risks during this time of year because of an increase in travel and impaired drivers. HPD will continue its efforts to keep the streets of Hartsville safe.  Call 911 immediately if you see signs of an impaired or reckless driver, but never place yourself in harm’s way for information. Stay safe and be smart, Hartsville!

Traffic Accidents Investigated85
Driving Under Influence21
Broken Seal/Open Container22
Driving Under Suspension/No SC License179
Child Restraint1
Seatbelt Violation76
Reckless Driving10
Child Endangerment1
Drug Violations50
Operating Uninsured Vehicle60
Other Traffic Related Charges384