Duke Energy will be testing sirens on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. Emergency warning sirens are tested regularly to ensure they work properly. Testing is part of normal maintenance. No public action is necessary. The tests take place at specific dates and times (listed below) to minimize inconvenience for plant neighbors. If you hear sirens and are not sure if it is a test or an emergency, tune to a local radio or television station listed in this guide https://tinyurl.com/2tw2vp94 . During an emergency, these stations stop regular programming to provide information to the public. It is important to note that sirens may not necessarily be heard inside homes or businesses.

Remember, hearing a siren does NOT mean you should evacuate. Local radio and television stations will provide information and instructions on what to do.
2025 Siren Test Dates:
Quarterly full-volume tests (5-30 seconds)
  • Jan. 8
  • April 9
  • July 9
Annual full-volume tests (3 minutes)
  • Oct. 8
Regularly scheduled siren testing takes place on Wednesdays.
Additional testing may occur at other times as part of ongoing maintenance. For complete testing information please see here: https://tinyurl.com/2tw2vp94