Use the form below to calculate and pay your Hospitality Tax (H-Tax) using a credit or debit card online.
The City of Hartsville collects a local 2% hospitality tax on sales of prepared foods and beverages sold within the city. The tax is collected from the customer and remitted by the vendor to the city.
If the average tax is less than $25 per month, the fee may be remitted on an annual basis. If the average tax is $25-$50 per month, the fee may be remitted on a quarterly basis. If the average tax is more than $50 per month, the fee must be remitted on a monthly basis. Taxes and remittance forms are due by the 20th of the month for taxes collected in the previous period. Taxes paid on or before the 20th are eligible for a 2% discount. A penalty of 10% per month is applied for any taxes paid after the 20th.
This form is also available as a downloadable PDF.