Complete and submit this form to apply for a Special Event Permit. Printable PDFs versions are available for this application form and the SCDOT Parade Application.

Special Event Permit Application


  1. There is a required $25 fee for all Special Event Permits. Civic and non-profit organizations are exempt from this fee with proof of 501(c)(3) status and a federal tax-exempt identification number.
  2. This application must be submitted at least thirty (30) business days prior to the event.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Special Considerations

  1. Completion and submittal of this application does not guarantee approval.
  2. Any event located on city owned or maintained property is required to provide a certificate of general/property liability insurance for one million ($1,000,000) dollars and workers compensation with statutory limits, no exclusions, with the City named as additional insured on applicable liability coverages. Contact local providers for more information. A policy can also be purchased through TULIP at using ID code 0501-668.
  3. Please notify the Special Events Coordinator (, 843.917.0583) if there is an event change (time, date(s), location, route, etc.) Inaccurate and/or deviation from final approval may result in immediate revocation of the permit; the event may be invalidated and cannot proceed.
  4. S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) approval is required for street closures, or events with people in the street, such as a block party or race. The SCDOT Parade Form is available here.
  5. Smoking is not allowed at events requiring a special event permit.
  6. Bonfires must be approved by Inspector at the Hartsville Fire Department, 843.383.3000.
  7. Vehicles or cookers cannot be driven on grass or sidewalks at Burry Park.
  8. A Vendor’s Permit fee is $25. Each vendor at the event must have a permit; permits are obtained by the vendor and are available through an online application or the Business Navigator at 843.383.3025.


Maximum file size: 8MB

Attach a document with a map showing the location and layout of the event and related elements. PDF files are preferred, but Word documents, image files, or other similar document types are accepted.

Maximum file size: 8MB

If you already have your insurance policy in place, attached a copy of it here to expedite the application process. PDF files are preferred.

Maximum file size: 8MB

Attach your completed SCDOT Parade Application if streets are to be blocked off for your event. PDF files are preferred.

Maximum file size: 8.39MB

Attach your completed Showmobile Stage Rental Contract application if applicable for your event. PDF files are preferred.

Event Map

Required. An event map is required for all special event permit applications. The map should show the event location with indicators for where vendors, stages, tents, trash bins, entrances, barricades, and other features are located.

Liability Insurance

Sometimes required. A liability insurance policy is required if you are serving alcohol at an event on City of Hartsville property. If not on City property, having a liability policy is still strongly recommended. A policy can be purchased through TULIP at OneBeacon Entertainment using ID code 0501-668.

SCDOT Parade Application

Sometimes required. S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) approval is required for any street closures or traffic changes such as races, block parties, or other events with people in the street. Please fill out the separate SCDOT Parade form, which must be used even for non-parade events requiring street closure, and attach the completed form here. A blank parade form can be dowloaded here.

Showmobile Stage Rental

Sometimes required. A completed Rental Contract Application is required to use the City's Showmobile mobile stage. Please fill out the separate form and attach the completed form here. A blank form can be dowloaded here.

Event Information

Applicable only to non-profit organizations applying for a permit fee exemption.

Contact Information

This contact personal must be reachable on the day of the event.
First name (given name)
Last name (surname)

Event Details

Start typing the street address for the location to choose from a list of possibilities.
Optionally provide a link to the event's website or social media page for promotional purposes.

Note that the description below is required. Describe the type and size of the event including the specific location, area used, entertainment, etc.

Indicate wether one or more inflatables (A.K.A bounce or jump house) will be used at this event. Inflatables are not permitted on City property.
Inflatables are not permitted on City property.
Only one (1) banner is allowed on the event site 7 days prior to the event. The banner should be take down 24 hours after the event has taken place; banners and signs must be approved by contacting the Business Navigator at 843.383.3025.
List the number and size. Be sure to also note their location on the attached map.
Will food items be cooked, prepared, distributed, or sold at event?

Outdoor cooking must meet S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) standards. For more information on these standards, contact DHEC at 843.661.4858.

If using propane gas, you must have at least one (1) approved and certified fire extinguisher for every two (2) cooking stations while maintaining a three (3) foot clearance for any and all combustible and ignition sources.

Cooking stations shall be no closer than 10 feet from any buildings means of entrance/exit.

Describe steps being taken to ensure fire safety at the event.

SC State law requires sponsors to obtain a temporary license prior to conducting an event (public or private); visit the SC DOR or call 803.898.5864.

If the event is held on City of Hartsville property, a liquor liability insurance policy is required, and can be purchased through TULIP at OneBeacon Entertainment using ID code 0501-668 or from an insurer authorized to do business in the state of South Carolina.

Please note that SCDHEC, SCDOR, and HPD have authority to visit any event to insure compliance with alcohol rules.

Describe steps being taken to encourage safe drinking and prevent underage drinking: ex. tickets, armbands, or security.

Attending Vendors

Vendor's permits are obtained by the vendor; a $25 fee applied to each permit and each vendor at the event must have a permit. Permit applications are available through an online application or the Business Navigator at 843.383.3025.

Please list each vendor that will be at the event and what they will be vending.

City Services Requested

Enter the number of trash roll carts needed. Roll cart rental is $15 per cart with a maximum of 10 carts. Their locations should be noted on the attached map.
Enter the number of barricades needed. Barricades can be provided at no extra cost but must be reserved.
Enter the number of duty hours (number of officers multiplied by number of hours) for police help with crowd and traffic control. The Hartsville Police Department will reach out to the event organizer to discuss specific needs and provide pricing. This is paid to each individual officer and not incorporated into the event permit price.
Select whether or not temporary water or electrical service is needed at the event. These services are $10 per hour.
Select whether or not the City's Showmobile mobile stage is needed at the event.
Select whether or not the City's Showmobile mobile stage is needed at the event.

Showmobile Notice

To rent the City's mobile stage for your event, complete the separate Snowmobile Stage Rental Contract application form available here (opens in new window), complete it, and attached it above.

Explain the needs for barricades, temporary electricity or water, or the mobile stage if applicable.

Estimated Permit Cost

The following estimates the total permit fee based on the selections you've made in this application. After the application has been reviewed, an invoice will be sent for the final fee amount. The final amount may differ from this estimate, especially for multi-day events.
Calculated at $15 per cart
This estimate is based on a rate of $25 per hour for one (1) officer.
A fee of $10/hour is added if water or electrical service is selected in the checkbox above. This estimate is based on three hours.
A fee of $50/hour is added if a race, march or other event requires closure or traffic/pedestrian control.
This estimate is based on an individual applicant renting the stage for one day.

Notes on fees:

  1. Roll-carts are available at $10 per cart with a 10 cart maximum unless otherwise approved. Environmental Services: 843.383.3019
  2. Crowd/traffic control/police assistance - $25 per officer, per hour. Police Department: 843.383.3011
  3. Race, marches, or other events requiring closure or traffic/pedestrian control - $50 total flat fee
  4. Byerly Park, Burry Park, and Pride Park have limited utility availability. Utility provisions may be made for an additional charge. Water provisions are $10 per hour. Electricity provisions are $10/hour.
  5. A Vendor’s License Fee is $25; permits should be obtained by the vendor and are available through the Business Navigator at 843.383.3025.
  6. Festivals or events held for two (2) or more consecutive days are assessed $25 for each additional day.

Hold Harmless Clause

Permitter/organization hereby shall assume all risks incidental to or in connection with the permitted activity and shall be solely responsible for damages, or injury, of whatever kind or nature to person or property directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the permitted activity or the conduct of permittee’s operation. Permitter hereby expressly agrees to defend and save the City harmless from any penalties for violation of law, ordinance, or regulation affecting its activity and from any and all claims, suits, loss of damages, or injuries directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the permitted activity or conduct of its operation or resulting from the negligence or intentional acts or omission of permittee or its officers, agents, and employees.

Select "Yes" to indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms of this application, the Hold Harmless Clause, and event rules as described.


Type your full legal name.
Your title as it relates to the event or sponsoring organization.