REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS : The Butler Heritage Foundation located in Hartsville, South Carolina has been awarded a $200,000 City-Wide Brownfield  Cleanup Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection  Agency and is seeking STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS from qualified applicants for performing asbestos abatement at the former Butler High School. Grant funds will be used to implement a cleanup grant and support community engagement activities. A full list of statement of qualification requirements can be obtained by formal request from Butler Heritage Foundation at 1103 S. 6th Street, Hartsville, South Carolina 29550-5629. The Chairman, Chris Frazier may be contacted via phone during normal business hours at 843-453-1939 or by email at to make the request. All statements of qualifications shall be submitted to the Butler Heritage Foundation’s office at the above stated address, to the Attention of Chris Frazier, Chairman, no later than 4:00 p.m. (EST), November 22, 2021.